Is A Body Lift Right For You?

When some people lose a lot of weight, they often develop sagging skin. Studies show that extreme weight loss can damage the proteins that help keep skin tight. Without adequate collagen and elastin, the skin becomes loose and starts to sag.

Of course, other things can cause skin to loosen and sag, including pregnancy and aging. Like extreme weight loss, both can damage collagen and elastin. Irrespective of what causes it, loose, saggy skin can be a source of insecurity. That explains why so many people choose to undergo a body lift.

What is a body lift?

A body lift is a surgical procedure that involves shaping and toning the underlying tissue that supports fat and skin. It can significantly improve skin appearance on the outer thighs, buttocks, hips, waist, and abdomen when performed by a reputable plastic surgeon like Dr. Aline Rau in Denver, Colorado.

Are you a good candidate for a body lift?

Individuals who have lost a lot of weight and have developed excess skin are good candidates for a body lift. The same holds for those with excess, loose, or sagging skin caused by aging or pregnancy. Those who meet the following criteria are good candidates for the procedure:

  • Healthy individuals who are in good general health and near their ideal weight

  • Individuals with a positive outlook and realistic goals for what body lift surgery can accomplish

  • Non-smokers

What to expect during a body lift

Before surgery, patients must undergo blood work and a medical evaluation by their primary care doctor. They should also stop taking aspirin, anti-inflammatory drugs, and other medications that can increase the risk of severe bleeding. Lastly, patients who smoke must quit smoking ahead of surgery.

The body lift procedure itself is a four-step process, which starts with the anesthesiologist administering general anesthesia. The physical procedure includes:

  • Incisions – Once a patient is under the effects of anesthesia, Dr. Aline Rau will make several incisions along the targeted areas for skin resection.

  • Removing and repositioning excess skin – During this part of the surgery, Dr. Aline Rau will remove excess skin before pulling the remaining skin into its new position. If including the abdominal area, she will tighten the patient’s abdominal muscles and repositions their belly button if needed.

  • Closing incisions – As a body lift procedure wraps up, dressings or bandages are applied to sutured incisions. Dr. Aline Rau will also place small tubes under the skin to help drain excess blood or fluid that can accumulate while the patient is healing.

Healing & recovery

Pain and discomfort are not uncommon following a body lift. To provide patients with relief from both, Dr. Aline Rau typically recommends over-the-counter pain medication. In extreme cases, she will prescribe prescription pain relievers. Dr. Aline Rau will also advise patients to avoid strenuous activity post-surgery. On average, it takes 6-8 weeks to recover from a body lift procedure and to start seeing results. However, it can take up to two years to see the final results.

Schedule Your Consultation

Whether you are looking for a subtle improvement or a big change, we will work with you to create a personalized treatment plan fit for your lifestyle.


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